There has been a trend of younger individuals being affected by serious illnesses1. When a critical illness (CI) strike, it can be both emotionally and fiscally draining. With healthcare costs on the rise, ensuring you have adequate protection can provide you and your loved ones with well-deserved peace of mind.
Critical illness insurance generally provides the insured with a lump-sum payment in the unfortunate event of being diagnosed with specific critical illnesses, such as the 3 major critical illnesses - cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The insurance company respects the insured's autonomy in utilizing the compensation without any restriction, allowing families to allocate it towards medical expenses or daily living costs as needed. This serves to alleviate the various financial pressures that arise from critical illnesses. It distinguishes itself from indemnity hospital insurance products, which solely covers actual medical expenses incurred.
Critical illness insurance can be broadly categorized into two types: critical illness insurance with savings element and pure critical illness insurance. Manulife primarily offers critical illness insurance with a savings component, as well as pure critical illness riders without a savings component.
Manulife provides single-claim and multiple claims critical illness protection plans, ensuring well-rounded coverage that addresses the diverse needs of different customers.
Generally speaking, critical illness insurance typically covers major illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
When the insured person is diagnosed with any designated critical illness, the insurance company will provide a lump-sum benefit. This allows customer to decide how to use the compensation to alleviate the financial pressures faced during the period of illness.
As for the commonly compared medical insurance, it is an insurance product that generally focuses on reimbursement of medical expenses. Benefit is provided based on the actual medical expenses incurred.
Critical illness insurance encompasses various types and can be classified based on the presence of savings components, single/multiple claims, and the duration of coverage.
Types of critical illness based on the presence of savings components:
Types of critical illness based on single/multiple claims:
Types of critical illness based on the duration of coverage:
In a critical illness policy, the waiting period (or elimination period) refers to the specified period after the policy takes effect during which the insured does not receive coverage even if they exhibit symptoms or are diagnosed with a covered critical illness. It is important to compare the waiting periods of different plans when purchasing critical illness insurance.
Before buying critical illness insurance, there are numerous factors to consider. For example, it is important to compare the coverage, premiums, and sum insured of different plans:
Medical insurance in general provides coverage for medical expenses on a reimbursement basis, while critical illness insurance offers a one-time lump-sum payment upon the insured's diagnosis of a specified critical illness. The customer can decide how to utilize the benefit during the period of inability to work due to illness. Therefore, these two types of insurance have different natures and do not conflict with each other.
1 According to the data from the Hong Kong Cancer Registry of the Hospital Authority, the incidence rate of cancer in the 20-44 age group increased from 95.4 new cases per 100,000 people in 2012 to 117.5 in 2021, representing a 23% increase. (Source:
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