Security Alert:
Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife.
Please be cautious of fraudulent SMS messages. Manulife will only send SMS to Hong Kong mobile numbers using a Registered SMS Sender ID that begins with "#Manulife." If you receive any suspicious SMS or links that appear to be from Manulife, please do not reply, click, or open any links within the message. Please click here to learn more.
Manulife and its agents do not conduct any unsolicited calls related to Manulife MPF products. Regarding MPF cold calls, please click here.
Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!
Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly. Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.
Security Alert:
Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife.
Please be cautious of fraudulent SMS messages. Manulife will only send SMS to Hong Kong mobile numbers using a Registered SMS Sender ID that begins with "#Manulife." If you receive any suspicious SMS or links that appear to be from Manulife, please do not reply, click, or open any links within the message. Please click here to learn more.
Manulife and its agents do not conduct any unsolicited calls related to Manulife MPF products. Regarding MPF cold calls, please click here.
Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!
Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly. Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.
Everyday Manulife presents to you the most updated information for your investment reference.
Everyday Manulife presents to you the most updated information for your investment reference.
Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme
Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme
For Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme
Important to note:
• You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of constituent funds or the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”), you are in doubt as to whether a certain constituent fund or the DIS is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice and make investment choices most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
• The asset allocation of the Manulife MPF Core Accumulation Fund and the Manulife MPF Age 65 Plus Fund (“DIS CFs”) in the DIS and some of the constituent funds which are referred to as Retirement Funds will change over time and hence the risk profile and return will also change over time. The DIS CFs or the Retirement Funds may not be suitable for all members. You should understand the relevant risks involved before investment and consider factors other than age and review your own investment objectives.
• The Manulife MPF Interest Fund and the Manulife MPF Stable Fund (collectively the “Guaranteed Funds”) under the scheme each invests solely in approved pooled investment funds in the form of insurance policy provided by Manulife (International) Limited. The guarantee is also given by Manulife (International) Limited. Your investments in the Guaranteed Funds, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to sections 3.4.2 (Manulife MPF Stable Fund (the “Stable Fund”)) and 7.2.4(b) (Manulife MPF Stable Fund) and sections 3.4.1 (Manulife MPF Interest Fund (the “Interest Fund”)) and 7.2.4(c) (Manulife MPF Interest Fund) of the MPF Scheme Brochure for details of the credit risks, guarantee features and qualifying conditions.
• The Manulife MPF Retirement Income Fund (the “Retirement Income Fund”) does not guarantee distribution of dividend, the frequency of distribution, and the dividend amount/yield. Dividends may be paid out of the realized capital gains, capital and/or gross income while charging/paying all or part of the fees, charges and expenses to/out of the capital, resulting in an increase in distributable income available for dividend distribution. Payment of dividends out of capital and/or effectively out of capital represent a withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Distribution of dividends will result in an immediate decrease or adjustment in the net asset value per unit of the Retirement Income Fund on the ex-dividend date.
• Members who are below age 65 should note that the regular and frequent distribution of dividends and reinvestment of such dividends into the Retirement Income Fund will inevitably involve an investment time-lag during which dividends are not reinvested and it is subject to out-of-market risk on a recurring basis (currently, on a monthly basis). With the feature of dividend distribution, the return of the Retirement Income Fund for these Members may be impacted negatively or positively as its net asset value per unit may have gone up or down at the time when dividends are reinvested. Therefore the return of the Retirement Income Fund for these Members may deviate from that of a constituent fund with similar investment portfolio without such arrangement and may not always be advantageous to these Members.
• Investment involves risks and not each of the constituent funds would be suitable for everyone. You should consider the risks associated with each of the constituent funds and the DIS and your investments/accrued benefits may suffer loss.
• Before making your investment choices, you should read the MPF Scheme Brochure and Key Scheme Information Document (KSID) for details including risk factors, fees and charges of the scheme. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone.
For Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme
Important to note:
• Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme (“Scheme”) is a mandatory provident fund scheme with different constituent funds each investing entirely in one or more approved pooled investment fund(s) and/or approved index-tracking collective investment scheme(s) with a different investment objective and risk profile. It also offers investment according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”).
• Investment involves risks and not all investment choices available under the Scheme or the DIS would be suitable for everyone. Investors should consider the risks associated with the constituent funds and the DIS before investing.
• Investing in any of the constituent funds may be subject to various risks (including, but not limited to, country and region risk, concentration risk, risk of interest rate changes, counterparty risk, liquidity risk and general market risk). Investment according to the DIS will be subject to additional risks (including limitation in the strategy (such as age as the sole factor in determining the asset allocation under the DIS, risks associated with pre-set asset allocation, annual de-risking between the DIS Funds, potential rebalancing within each DIS Fund and additional transaction costs), general investment risk related to the DIS, risk on early withdrawal and switching and impact on Members keeping accrued benefits in the DIS beyond the age of 64). There is no assurance on investment returns and investors could suffer significant loss on their investments/accrued benefits.
• Some constituent funds may invest in single countries or regions. The investment focus of such constituent funds may give rise to increased risk over more diversified constituent funds. Some constituent funds may also invest in emerging markets and be subject to a higher degree of liquidity risk, market risk and political risk due to regulatory, political and/or economic environment.
• You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making investment choices. When, in your selection of the constituent funds or the DIS, you are in doubt as to whether a certain constituent fund or the DIS Strategy is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and make investment choices most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
• In the event that you do not make any investment choices, please be reminded that your contributions made and/or accrued benefits transferred into the Scheme will be invested in accordance with the DIS, which may not necessarily be suitable for you.
• Before making your investment choices, you should read the MPF Scheme Brochure and Key Scheme Information Document (KSID) for details including risk factors, fees and charges of the scheme. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone.
ManuFlex (MIL)
Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
• ManuFlex (MIL) is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under ManuFlex (MIL). When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
• Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
• Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$ and US$) (“CGF”) and Stable Fund (“SF”). Your investment in CGF and SF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to investment policies of CGF and SF of the offering document for details of the credit risks, guarantee features and qualifying conditions.
• ManuFlex (MIL) is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
• Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in ManuFlex (MIL) and make any investment choices under ManuFlex (MIL).
Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme
Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme
For Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme
Important to note:
• You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of constituent funds or the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”), you are in doubt as to whether a certain constituent fund or the DIS is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice and make investment choices most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
• The asset allocation of the Manulife MPF Core Accumulation Fund and the Manulife MPF Age 65 Plus Fund (“DIS CFs”) in the DIS and some of the constituent funds which are referred to as Retirement Funds will change over time and hence the risk profile and return will also change over time. The DIS CFs or the Retirement Funds may not be suitable for all members. You should understand the relevant risks involved before investment and consider factors other than age and review your own investment objectives.
• The Manulife MPF Interest Fund and the Manulife MPF Stable Fund (collectively the “Guaranteed Funds”) under the scheme each invests solely in approved pooled investment funds in the form of insurance policy provided by Manulife (International) Limited. The guarantee is also given by Manulife (International) Limited. Your investments in the Guaranteed Funds, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to sections 3.4.2 (Manulife MPF Stable Fund (the “Stable Fund”)) and 7.2.4(b) (Manulife MPF Stable Fund) and sections 3.4.1 (Manulife MPF Interest Fund (the “Interest Fund”)) and 7.2.4(c) (Manulife MPF Interest Fund) of the MPF Scheme Brochure for details of the credit risks, guarantee features and qualifying conditions.
• The Manulife MPF Retirement Income Fund (the “Retirement Income Fund”) does not guarantee distribution of dividend, the frequency of distribution, and the dividend amount/yield. Dividends may be paid out of the realized capital gains, capital and/or gross income while charging/paying all or part of the fees, charges and expenses to/out of the capital, resulting in an increase in distributable income available for dividend distribution. Payment of dividends out of capital and/or effectively out of capital represent a withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Distribution of dividends will result in an immediate decrease or adjustment in the net asset value per unit of the Retirement Income Fund on the ex-dividend date.
• Members who are below age 65 should note that the regular and frequent distribution of dividends and reinvestment of such dividends into the Retirement Income Fund will inevitably involve an investment time-lag during which dividends are not reinvested and it is subject to out-of-market risk on a recurring basis (currently, on a monthly basis). With the feature of dividend distribution, the return of the Retirement Income Fund for these Members may be impacted negatively or positively as its net asset value per unit may have gone up or down at the time when dividends are reinvested. Therefore the return of the Retirement Income Fund for these Members may deviate from that of a constituent fund with similar investment portfolio without such arrangement and may not always be advantageous to these Members.
• Investment involves risks and not each of the constituent funds would be suitable for everyone. You should consider the risks associated with each of the constituent funds and the DIS and your investments/accrued benefits may suffer loss.
• Before making your investment choices, you should read the MPF Scheme Brochure and Key Scheme Information Document (KSID) for details including risk factors, fees and charges of the scheme. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone.
For Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme
Important to note:
• Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme (“Scheme”) is a mandatory provident fund scheme with different constituent funds each investing entirely in one or more approved pooled investment fund(s) and/or approved index-tracking collective investment scheme(s) with a different investment objective and risk profile. It also offers investment according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”).
• Investment involves risks and not all investment choices available under the Scheme or the DIS would be suitable for everyone. Investors should consider the risks associated with the constituent funds and the DIS before investing.
• Investing in any of the constituent funds may be subject to various risks (including, but not limited to, country and region risk, concentration risk, risk of interest rate changes, counterparty risk, liquidity risk and general market risk). Investment according to the DIS will be subject to additional risks (including limitation in the strategy (such as age as the sole factor in determining the asset allocation under the DIS, risks associated with pre-set asset allocation, annual de-risking between the DIS Funds, potential rebalancing within each DIS Fund and additional transaction costs), general investment risk related to the DIS, risk on early withdrawal and switching and impact on Members keeping accrued benefits in the DIS beyond the age of 64). There is no assurance on investment returns and investors could suffer significant loss on their investments/accrued benefits.
• Some constituent funds may invest in single countries or regions. The investment focus of such constituent funds may give rise to increased risk over more diversified constituent funds. Some constituent funds may also invest in emerging markets and be subject to a higher degree of liquidity risk, market risk and political risk due to regulatory, political and/or economic environment.
• You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making investment choices. When, in your selection of the constituent funds or the DIS, you are in doubt as to whether a certain constituent fund or the DIS Strategy is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and make investment choices most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
• In the event that you do not make any investment choices, please be reminded that your contributions made and/or accrued benefits transferred into the Scheme will be invested in accordance with the DIS, which may not necessarily be suitable for you.
• Before making your investment choices, you should read the MPF Scheme Brochure and Key Scheme Information Document (KSID) for details including risk factors, fees and charges of the scheme. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone.
ManuFlex (MIL)
Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
• ManuFlex (MIL) is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under ManuFlex (MIL). When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
• Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
• Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$ and US$) (“CGF”) and Stable Fund (“SF”). Your investment in CGF and SF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to investment policies of CGF and SF of the offering document for details of the credit risks, guarantee features and qualifying conditions.
• ManuFlex (MIL) is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
• Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in ManuFlex (MIL) and make any investment choices under ManuFlex (MIL).
Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL)
Group Deposit Administration Policy
Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
• Manuflex is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under Manuflex. When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
• Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
• Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$) (“CGF”). Your investment in the CGF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to the offering document for details of the credit risks and guarantee features.
• Manuflex is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
• Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in Manuflex and make any investment choices under Manuflex.
• Manuflex is closed for new employers participating and is only available to new employees of existing employers.
ManuFund (MIL)
Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
• ManuFund (MIL) is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under ManuFund (MIL). When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
• Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
• Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$) (“CGF”). Your investment in the CGF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to the proposal for details of the credit risks and guarantee features.
• ManuFund (MIL) is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
• Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the proposal for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in ManuFund (MIL) and make any investment choices under ManuFund (MIL).
• ManuFund (MIL) is closed for new subscriptions (i.e. no new employers and new employees participating.).
Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
• Manufund is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under Manufund. When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
• Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
• Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$) (“CGF”). Your investment in the CGF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to the offering document for details of the credit risks and guarantee features.
• Manufund is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
• Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in Manufund and make any investment choices under Manufund.
• Manufund is closed for new employers participating and is only available to new employees of existing employers.
Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL)
Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
• Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL) is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL). When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
• Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
• Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$) (“CGF”). Your investment in the CGF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to the proposal for details of the credit risks and guarantee features.
• Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL) is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
• Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the proposal for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL) and make any investment choices under Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL).
• Group Deposit Administration Policy (MIL) is closed for new subscriptions ( new employers and/ or new employees participating).
Group Deposit Administration Policy
Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
• Group Deposit Administration Policy is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under Group Deposit Administration Policy. When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
• Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
• Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$ &US$) (“CGF”). Your investment in the CGF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to the offering document for details of the credit risks and guarantee features.
• Group Deposit Administration Policy is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
• Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in Group Deposit Administration Policy and make any investment choices under Group Deposit Administration Policy.
• Group Deposit Administration Policy is closed for new employer(s) participating and is only available to new employees of existing employers.
1. Alpha (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If the value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and impact the value of your policy.
9. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
10. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Alpha Regular Investor (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, partial withdrawal from the policy value, premium holiday or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong (the “SFC”) under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (COI):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
• The policy will be terminated if Manulife has not received sufficient premiums to cover the outstanding monthly deduction due, including cost of insurance, after a grace period of 31 days in the following circumstances and you may lose all your premiums paid, the death benefit and any other supplementary benefit from the policy.
• The initial account value is insufficient to cover the monthly deduction due, including cost of insurance, within the initial period (i.e. the first 24 months since policy year date); or
• The accumulation account value is insufficient to cover the monthly deduction due, including cost of insurance, after the initial period (i.e. the first 24 months since policy year date).
9. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
10. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Apollo Protection Linked Plan (the “Plan”), being an investment-linked assurance scheme, is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife” or “we” or “us”). Policyowner is referred to as “you” or “your” throughout the offering documents.
2. The premium you pay, after deduction of any fees and charges applicable to the Plan, will be invested by Manulife in the underlying funds corresponding to your selected investment choices. Your investments are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
3. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
4. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Do not invest in the corresponding investment choices unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with them. These instruments can be highly volatile and expose you to a high risk of loss. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details, including but not limited to their investment objectives and policies, risk factors and charges, which are made available by Manulife free of charge upon request.
5. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices annotated with “***” are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
6. Your potential return on investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you selected. Due to the various fees and charges levied by Manulife on the policy, the potential return on the policy as a whole may be lower than the return of the underlying fund corresponding to the investment choices you selected. You are subject to the investment risk.
7. The account value of the policy will be calculated by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you select from time to time and the ongoing fees and charges which will continue to be deducted from the policy. The units of each investment choices allocated to the policy are notional and solely for determining the account value and benefits under the policy.
8. This Plan only provides limited life protection when the age of the life insured exceeds 65. High level of insurance protection will no longer be provided when the age of the life insured exceeds 65 and the amount of death benefit payable may be significantly reduced. For the avoidance of doubt, high level of insurance protection is only available for the death benefit attributable to the regular premium but not the optional lump-sum top-up premium.
9. More importantly, you should be aware that cost of insurance (“COI”) is one of the applicable fees and charges which will be deducted from the account value of your policy and will be used to cover the cost of life coverage. The COI may increase significantly during the term of the policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid. Please refer to section 6 life coverage and section 12 fees and charges of the product brochure for details.
10. Early termination, early surrender or partial withdrawal of the policy or premium suspension may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses awarded (if applicable). Poor performance of underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices may further magnify your investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
11. The Plan is subject to a surrender charge of up to 40% of the account value for the first eight (8) policy years. It is only suitable for investors who are prepared to hold the investment for a long term period.
12. If you are not prepared to hold your policy for at least ten (10) years, the Plan is not suitable for you and it may be cheaper to purchase an insurance policy and make separate fund investments. You should seek independent professional advice.
13. Please note that your policy will be terminated in the event of failure to pay outstanding regular premium due during the mandatory contribution period in full upon expiration of the grace period, in which the policy will be subject to surrender charge. The policy surrender proceeds will be the account value less any applicable surrender charge and any welcome bonus claw-back amount. After the mandatory contribution period and during the premium payment period, the policy will automatically enter a premium suspension when we do not receive regular premium in full by the respective premium due date as long as the account value is sufficient to cover the monthly deduction due, in which the policy remains in force.
14. Investment involves risks. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
15. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Flexible Investment Protector (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
5. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
6. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
7. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as your age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Investment Plus (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or partial withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the SFC under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
9. Please note the following in respect of the two investment choices, Manulife Inv China A Fund and the Manulife Inv China Bond Fund (“China Market Investment Choices”) available under the Plan.
• They are denominated in United States Dollars (“USD”) only and not in Renminbi (“RMB”) as the underlying funds use the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (“QFII”) regime, the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and/or other means as may be permitted by the relevant regulations from time to time to invest primarily in relevant securities in Mainland China;
• They are subject to the redemption limit and settlement limit due to the restrictions and requirements relating to investment of the underlying funds via QFII regime and China Interbank Bond Market, including repatriation limits;
• Redemption from the China Market Investment Choices will require longer time due to the current dealing arrangement under the QFII regime; the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and redemption limit imposed on the underlying funds. Any unexecuted redemption requests on each dealing day will be carried forward to the next dealing day. Policyowners may receive redemption proceeds different from their expectation due to various factors, including market value movement and RMB exchange risk;
• They are subject to an exit fee as set out in Section 11 of Annex in the Principal Brochure - Product Brochure of the Plan in addition to the fees and charges, including an early redemption fee, currently applicable to the Plan as stated in the Principal Brochure. Unlike other investment choices under the Plan, the exit fee of the China Market Investment Choices is deducted from the redemption amount upon policy cancellation or termination during the cooling-off period, switching out, partial withdrawal or policy surrender;
• They are eligible as the basis of calculating annual bonus in respect of the premium paid but notional units of the China Market Investment Choices will not be allocated as regards annual bonus to be credited to the policy. If the policy has notional units only in any of the China Market Investment Choices and/or any other investment choices which are not open for subscription, annual bonus credited to the policy will be added to the account value of the Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Fund;
• Policyowners holding notional units of the China Market Investment Choices should note that they are permitted to switch out to Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Fund only. No switching into the China Market Investment Choices is permitted currently; and
• They are exposed to currency risks due to the underlying funds’ engagement in multi-currency conversions.
The product key facts statements of the underlying funds corresponding to the China Market Investment Choices are distributed together with the Principal Brochure of the Plan. You are strongly advised to read the product key facts statements of the underlying funds in conjunction with the Principal Brochure of the Plan. The offering documents of the underlying funds corresponding to the China Market Investment Choices will be made available by Manulife upon request. You are also advised to read these documents to understand the features and associated risks of the underlying funds.
10. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
11. Each of the investment choices denoted by their names ended with “(dist)” (collectively, the “Payout Distribution Investment Choices”) is an investment choice with feature of aiming to distribute dividend payout on a regular basis. By choosing the Payout Distribution Investment Choices, you will receive the payouts if dividends are received by Manulife from the corresponding underlying funds. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to the Payout Distribution Investment Choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have a negative impact on the prices of the respective Payout Distribution Investment Choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividend payouts from the Payout Distribution Investment Choices will reduce the policy value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the policy value drops to zero.
• You should not choose these Payout Distribution Investment Choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you
12. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Investment Plus 2 (the "Plan"), is an investment-linked assurance scheme, which is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife” or “we” or “us”). Policyowner is referred as “you” or “your” throughout the offering documents.
2. The premium you pay, after deduction of any fees and charges applicable to the Plan, will be invested by Manulife in the underlying funds corresponding to your selected investment choices. Your investments are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
3. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
4. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Do not invest in the corresponding investment choices unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with them. These instruments can be highly volatile and expose you to a high risk of loss. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details, including but not limited to their investment objectives and policies, risk factors and charges, which are made available by Manulife free of charge upon request.
5. Your potential return on investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you selected. Due to the various fees and charges levied by Manulife on the policy, the potential return on the policy as a whole may be lower than the return of the underlying fund corresponding to the investment choices you selected. You are subject to the investment risk.
6. The account value of the policy will be calculated by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you select from time to time and the ongoing fees and charges which will continue to be deducted from the policy. The Units of each investment choices allocated to the policy are notional and solely for determining the account value and benefits under the policy.
7. Early surrender or partial withdrawal of the policy/ or policy termination may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses awarded. Poor performance of underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices may further magnify your investment losses, while fees and charges are still deductible.
8. The Plan is subject to an early redemption fee of up to 5% of the account value. It is only suitable for investors who are prepared to hold the investment for a long term period.
9. If you are not prepared to hold your policy for at least five years, the Plan is not suitable for you and it may be cheaper to purchase an insurance policy and make separate fund investments. You should seek independent professional advice.
10. Investment involves risks. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
11. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices annotated with “***” are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
12. Each of the investment choices denoted by their names ended with “(dist)” (collectively, the “Payout Distribution Investment Choices”) is an investment choice with feature of aiming to distribute dividend on a regular basis. By choosing the Payout Distribution Investment Choices, you will receive the dividends if dividends are received by Manulife from the corresponding underlying funds. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to the Payout Distribution Investment Choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have negative impact on the prices of the respective Payout Distribution Investment Choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividends from the Payout Distribution Investment Choices will reduce the account value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the account value drops to zero.
• The amount of dividend paid by the Payout Distribution Investment Choices and the dividend composition information of the corresponding underlying fund for the last 12 months are made available by Manulife on request and also on the website of the Plan.
• Manulife may amend the distribution policy of the Plan (including its investment choices) subject to SFC’s prior approval and by giving not less than one month’s prior notice to you.
• You should not choose these Payout Distribution Investment Choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you.
13. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Investment Solutions (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or partial withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
9. Please note the following in respect of the two investment choices, Manulife Inv China A Fund and the Manulife Inv China Bond Fund (“China Market Investment Choices”) available under the Plan.
• They are denominated in United States Dollars (“USD”) only and not in Renminbi (“RMB”) as the underlying funds use the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (“QFII”) regime, the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and/or other means as may be permitted by the relevant regulations from time to time to invest primarily in relevant securities in Mainland China;
• They are subject to the redemption limit and settlement limit due to the restrictions and requirements relating to investment of the underlying funds via QFII regime and China Interbank Bond Market, including repatriation limits;
• Redemption from the China Market Investment Choices will require longer time due to the current dealing arrangement under the QFII regime; the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and redemption limit imposed on the underlying funds. Any unexecuted redemption requests on each dealing day will be carried forward to the next dealing day. Policyowners may receive redemption proceeds different from their expectation due to various factors, including market value movement and RMB exchange risk;
• They are subject to an exit fee in addition to the fees and charges, including an early redemption fee, currently applicable to the Plan as stated in the Principal Brochure. Unlike other investment choices under the Plan, the exit fee of the China Market Investment Choices is deducted from the redemption amount upon policy cancellation or termination during the cooling-off period, switching out, partial withdrawal or policy surrender or death of the life insured;
• They are eligible as the basis of calculating annual bonus in respect of the premium paid but notional units of the China Market Investment Choices will not be allocated as regards annual bonus to be credited to the policy. If the policy has notional units only in any of the China Market Investment Choices and/or any other investment choices which are not open for subscription, annual bonus credited to the policy will be added to the account value of the Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Funds;
• Policyowners holding notional units of the China Market Investment Choices should note that they are permitted to switch out to Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Fund only. No switching into the China Market Investment Choices is permitted currently; and
• They are exposed to currency risks due to the underlying funds’ engagement in multi-currency conversions.
You are strongly advised to read the offering documents of the underlying funds corresponding to the China Market Investment Choices (including but not limited to the product key facts statements), which will be made available by Manulife upon request, to understand the features and associated risks of the underlying funds.
10. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
11. Each of the investment choices denoted by their names ended with “(dist)” (collectively, the “Payout Distribution Investment Choices”) is an investment choice with feature of aiming to distribute dividend payout on a regular basis. By choosing the Payout Distribution Investment Choices, you will receive the payouts if dividends are received by Manulife from the corresponding underlying funds. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to the Payout Distribution Investment Choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have a negative impact on the prices of the respective Payout Distribution Investment Choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividend payouts from the Payout Distribution Investment Choices will reduce the policy value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the policy value drops to zero.
• You should not choose these Payout Distribution Investment Choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you.
12. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
ManuSelect Investment Protector
1. Manulife Secure IncomePlus (the "Plan") is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying assets.
4. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
5. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
6. The return of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
7. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Matrix (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the SFC under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any additional coverage selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any additional coverage you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If the value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
9. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
10. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Wealth Creator (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premium you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. ManuSelect Investment Protector (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy, premium suspension, failure to pay premium in full or policy loan may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from your Account Value will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose..
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected..
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If the Account Value becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the Account Value.
The term “Account Value” means the sum of all account value of all investment choices under the policy less any outstanding charges. The account value of an investment choice is the number of units in the account of that investment choice multiplied by the unit sell price of that investment choice.
9. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Skyline (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications, and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong with effect from May 1, 2023. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds.
4. Return of your investments may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying funds may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. Investment involves risk. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
8. BOCHK Hong Kong Dollar Income Fund and Manulife Global Fund - Dragon Growth Fund - Class AA (HKD) under the Plan aim to distribute dividends on a regular basis. If dividends are payable by the underlying fund in respect to the units of an investment choice in your policy, Manulife will distribute the dividends to you. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to these investment choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have a negative impact on the prices of the respective investment choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividend from these investment choices will reduce the policy value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the policy value drops to zero.
• You should not choose these investment choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you.
9. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. VIP+ and ManuGift (the "Plans") have not been authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong and are not available for policy applications. All information about the Plans in this website is only for reference by existing policyowners of the Plans. The Plans are insurance policies issued by Manulife (International) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plans are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plans can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plans for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying assets.
4. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
5. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
6. The return of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
7. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (COI):
a. Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
b. The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
c. The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
d. If the value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
e. You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plans for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
VIP+ and ManuGift have not been
authorized by the Securities and
Futures Commission in Hong Kong and
are not available for policy
1. Alpha (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If the value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and impact the value of your policy.
9. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
10. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Alpha Regular Investor (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, partial withdrawal from the policy value, premium holiday or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong (the “SFC”) under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (COI):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
• The policy will be terminated if Manulife has not received sufficient premiums to cover the outstanding monthly deduction due, including cost of insurance, after a grace period of 31 days in the following circumstances and you may lose all your premiums paid, the death benefit and any other supplementary benefit from the policy.
• The initial account value is insufficient to cover the monthly deduction due, including cost of insurance, within the initial period (i.e. the first 24 months since policy year date); or
• The accumulation account value is insufficient to cover the monthly deduction due, including cost of insurance, after the initial period (i.e. the first 24 months since policy year date).
9. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
10. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Apollo Protection Linked Plan (the “Plan”), being an investment-linked assurance scheme, is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife” or “we” or “us”). Policyowner is referred to as “you” or “your” throughout the offering documents.
2. The premium you pay, after deduction of any fees and charges applicable to the Plan, will be invested by Manulife in the underlying funds corresponding to your selected investment choices. Your investments are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
3. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
4. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Do not invest in the corresponding investment choices unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with them. These instruments can be highly volatile and expose you to a high risk of loss. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details, including but not limited to their investment objectives and policies, risk factors and charges, which are made available by Manulife free of charge upon request.
5. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices annotated with “***” are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
6. Your potential return on investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you selected. Due to the various fees and charges levied by Manulife on the policy, the potential return on the policy as a whole may be lower than the return of the underlying fund corresponding to the investment choices you selected. You are subject to the investment risk.
7. The account value of the policy will be calculated by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you select from time to time and the ongoing fees and charges which will continue to be deducted from the policy. The units of each investment choices allocated to the policy are notional and solely for determining the account value and benefits under the policy.
8. This Plan only provides limited life protection when the age of the life insured exceeds 65. High level of insurance protection will no longer be provided when the age of the life insured exceeds 65 and the amount of death benefit payable may be significantly reduced. For the avoidance of doubt, high level of insurance protection is only available for the death benefit attributable to the regular premium but not the optional lump-sum top-up premium.
9. More importantly, you should be aware that cost of insurance (“COI”) is one of the applicable fees and charges which will be deducted from the account value of your policy and will be used to cover the cost of life coverage. The COI may increase significantly during the term of the policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid. Please refer to section 6 life coverage and section 12 fees and charges of the product brochure for details.
10. Early termination, early surrender or partial withdrawal of the policy or premium suspension may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses awarded (if applicable). Poor performance of underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices may further magnify your investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
11. The Plan is subject to a surrender charge of up to 40% of the account value for the first eight (8) policy years. It is only suitable for investors who are prepared to hold the investment for a long term period.
12. If you are not prepared to hold your policy for at least ten (10) years, the Plan is not suitable for you and it may be cheaper to purchase an insurance policy and make separate fund investments. You should seek independent professional advice.
13. Please note that your policy will be terminated in the event of failure to pay outstanding regular premium due during the mandatory contribution period in full upon expiration of the grace period, in which the policy will be subject to surrender charge. The policy surrender proceeds will be the account value less any applicable surrender charge and any welcome bonus claw-back amount. After the mandatory contribution period and during the premium payment period, the policy will automatically enter a premium suspension when we do not receive regular premium in full by the respective premium due date as long as the account value is sufficient to cover the monthly deduction due, in which the policy remains in force.
14. Investment involves risks. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
15. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Flexible Investment Protector (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
5. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
6. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
7. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as your age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Investment Plus (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or partial withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the SFC under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
9. Please note the following in respect of the two investment choices, Manulife Inv China A Fund and the Manulife Inv China Bond Fund (“China Market Investment Choices”) available under the Plan.
• They are denominated in United States Dollars (“USD”) only and not in Renminbi (“RMB”) as the underlying funds use the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (“QFII”) regime, the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and/or other means as may be permitted by the relevant regulations from time to time to invest primarily in relevant securities in Mainland China;
• They are subject to the redemption limit and settlement limit due to the restrictions and requirements relating to investment of the underlying funds via QFII regime and China Interbank Bond Market, including repatriation limits;
• Redemption from the China Market Investment Choices will require longer time due to the current dealing arrangement under the QFII regime; the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and redemption limit imposed on the underlying funds. Any unexecuted redemption requests on each dealing day will be carried forward to the next dealing day. Policyowners may receive redemption proceeds different from their expectation due to various factors, including market value movement and RMB exchange risk;
• They are subject to an exit fee as set out in Section 11 of Annex in the Principal Brochure - Product Brochure of the Plan in addition to the fees and charges, including an early redemption fee, currently applicable to the Plan as stated in the Principal Brochure. Unlike other investment choices under the Plan, the exit fee of the China Market Investment Choices is deducted from the redemption amount upon policy cancellation or termination during the cooling-off period, switching out, partial withdrawal or policy surrender;
• They are eligible as the basis of calculating annual bonus in respect of the premium paid but notional units of the China Market Investment Choices will not be allocated as regards annual bonus to be credited to the policy. If the policy has notional units only in any of the China Market Investment Choices and/or any other investment choices which are not open for subscription, annual bonus credited to the policy will be added to the account value of the Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Fund;
• Policyowners holding notional units of the China Market Investment Choices should note that they are permitted to switch out to Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Fund only. No switching into the China Market Investment Choices is permitted currently; and
• They are exposed to currency risks due to the underlying funds’ engagement in multi-currency conversions.
The product key facts statements of the underlying funds corresponding to the China Market Investment Choices are distributed together with the Principal Brochure of the Plan. You are strongly advised to read the product key facts statements of the underlying funds in conjunction with the Principal Brochure of the Plan. The offering documents of the underlying funds corresponding to the China Market Investment Choices will be made available by Manulife upon request. You are also advised to read these documents to understand the features and associated risks of the underlying funds.
10. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
11. Each of the investment choices denoted by their names ended with “(dist)” (collectively, the “Payout Distribution Investment Choices”) is an investment choice with feature of aiming to distribute dividend payout on a regular basis. By choosing the Payout Distribution Investment Choices, you will receive the payouts if dividends are received by Manulife from the corresponding underlying funds. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to the Payout Distribution Investment Choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have a negative impact on the prices of the respective Payout Distribution Investment Choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividend payouts from the Payout Distribution Investment Choices will reduce the policy value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the policy value drops to zero.
• You should not choose these Payout Distribution Investment Choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you
12. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Investment Plus 2 (the "Plan"), is an investment-linked assurance scheme, which is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife” or “we” or “us”). Policyowner is referred as “you” or “your” throughout the offering documents.
2. The premium you pay, after deduction of any fees and charges applicable to the Plan, will be invested by Manulife in the underlying funds corresponding to your selected investment choices. Your investments are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
3. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
4. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Do not invest in the corresponding investment choices unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with them. These instruments can be highly volatile and expose you to a high risk of loss. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details, including but not limited to their investment objectives and policies, risk factors and charges, which are made available by Manulife free of charge upon request.
5. Your potential return on investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you selected. Due to the various fees and charges levied by Manulife on the policy, the potential return on the policy as a whole may be lower than the return of the underlying fund corresponding to the investment choices you selected. You are subject to the investment risk.
6. The account value of the policy will be calculated by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices you select from time to time and the ongoing fees and charges which will continue to be deducted from the policy. The Units of each investment choices allocated to the policy are notional and solely for determining the account value and benefits under the policy.
7. Early surrender or partial withdrawal of the policy/ or policy termination may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses awarded. Poor performance of underlying funds corresponding to the investment choices may further magnify your investment losses, while fees and charges are still deductible.
8. The Plan is subject to an early redemption fee of up to 5% of the account value. It is only suitable for investors who are prepared to hold the investment for a long term period.
9. If you are not prepared to hold your policy for at least five years, the Plan is not suitable for you and it may be cheaper to purchase an insurance policy and make separate fund investments. You should seek independent professional advice.
10. Investment involves risks. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
11. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices annotated with “***” are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
12. Each of the investment choices denoted by their names ended with “(dist)” (collectively, the “Payout Distribution Investment Choices”) is an investment choice with feature of aiming to distribute dividend on a regular basis. By choosing the Payout Distribution Investment Choices, you will receive the dividends if dividends are received by Manulife from the corresponding underlying funds. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to the Payout Distribution Investment Choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have negative impact on the prices of the respective Payout Distribution Investment Choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividends from the Payout Distribution Investment Choices will reduce the account value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the account value drops to zero.
• The amount of dividend paid by the Payout Distribution Investment Choices and the dividend composition information of the corresponding underlying fund for the last 12 months are made available by Manulife on request and also on the website of the Plan.
• Manulife may amend the distribution policy of the Plan (including its investment choices) subject to SFC’s prior approval and by giving not less than one month’s prior notice to you.
• You should not choose these Payout Distribution Investment Choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you.
13. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Investment Solutions (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or partial withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
9. Please note the following in respect of the two investment choices, Manulife Inv China A Fund and the Manulife Inv China Bond Fund (“China Market Investment Choices”) available under the Plan.
• They are denominated in United States Dollars (“USD”) only and not in Renminbi (“RMB”) as the underlying funds use the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (“QFII”) regime, the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and/or other means as may be permitted by the relevant regulations from time to time to invest primarily in relevant securities in Mainland China;
• They are subject to the redemption limit and settlement limit due to the restrictions and requirements relating to investment of the underlying funds via QFII regime and China Interbank Bond Market, including repatriation limits;
• Redemption from the China Market Investment Choices will require longer time due to the current dealing arrangement under the QFII regime; the Bond Connect and/or the Foreign Access Regime and redemption limit imposed on the underlying funds. Any unexecuted redemption requests on each dealing day will be carried forward to the next dealing day. Policyowners may receive redemption proceeds different from their expectation due to various factors, including market value movement and RMB exchange risk;
• They are subject to an exit fee in addition to the fees and charges, including an early redemption fee, currently applicable to the Plan as stated in the Principal Brochure. Unlike other investment choices under the Plan, the exit fee of the China Market Investment Choices is deducted from the redemption amount upon policy cancellation or termination during the cooling-off period, switching out, partial withdrawal or policy surrender or death of the life insured;
• They are eligible as the basis of calculating annual bonus in respect of the premium paid but notional units of the China Market Investment Choices will not be allocated as regards annual bonus to be credited to the policy. If the policy has notional units only in any of the China Market Investment Choices and/or any other investment choices which are not open for subscription, annual bonus credited to the policy will be added to the account value of the Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Funds;
• Policyowners holding notional units of the China Market Investment Choices should note that they are permitted to switch out to Manulife Inv Amundi Cash Fund only. No switching into the China Market Investment Choices is permitted currently; and
• They are exposed to currency risks due to the underlying funds’ engagement in multi-currency conversions.
You are strongly advised to read the offering documents of the underlying funds corresponding to the China Market Investment Choices (including but not limited to the product key facts statements), which will be made available by Manulife upon request, to understand the features and associated risks of the underlying funds.
10. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
11. Each of the investment choices denoted by their names ended with “(dist)” (collectively, the “Payout Distribution Investment Choices”) is an investment choice with feature of aiming to distribute dividend payout on a regular basis. By choosing the Payout Distribution Investment Choices, you will receive the payouts if dividends are received by Manulife from the corresponding underlying funds. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to the Payout Distribution Investment Choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have a negative impact on the prices of the respective Payout Distribution Investment Choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividend payouts from the Payout Distribution Investment Choices will reduce the policy value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the policy value drops to zero.
• You should not choose these Payout Distribution Investment Choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you.
12. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
ManuSelect Investment Protector
1. Manulife Secure IncomePlus (the "Plan") is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying assets.
4. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
5. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
6. The return of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
7. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Matrix (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the SFC under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any additional coverage selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any additional coverage you may choose.
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If the value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
9. The underlying funds of some of the investment choices are derivative funds with net derivative exposure exceeding 50% of their net asset value. They may only be suitable for investors who understand the complicated structure of derivative product and the associated risks. You may incur significant loss if investing in such investment choices. You are strongly advised to exercise caution in relation to such investment choices. Please read the offering documents (including the product key facts statements) of the underlying funds for details of risks associated with the underlying funds.
10. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Manulife Wealth Creator (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premium you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. ManuSelect Investment Protector (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds/assets.
4. Return of your investments under the Plan may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy, premium suspension, failure to pay premium in full or policy loan may result in a significant loss of principal and/or bonuses to be awarded. Poor performance of the underlying funds/assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. The return of some of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
8. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (“COI”):
• Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from your Account Value will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose..
• The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected..
• The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
• If the Account Value becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
• You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the Account Value.
The term “Account Value” means the sum of all account value of all investment choices under the policy less any outstanding charges. The account value of an investment choice is the number of units in the account of that investment choice multiplied by the unit sell price of that investment choice.
9. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. Skyline (the “Plan”) is not available for policy applications, and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong with effect from May 1, 2023. All information about the Plan in this website is only for existing policyowners of the Plan. Being an investment-linked assurance scheme, the Plan is an insurance policy issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plan are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plan can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plan and offering documents of the underlying funds involved for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying funds.
4. Return of your investments may be lower than that of the corresponding SFC-authorised funds due to the fees and charges levied under the Plan.
5. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
6. Early surrender of the policy or withdrawal from the policy value may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying funds may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
7. Investment involves risk. You should not purchase this Plan unless you understand it and it has been explained to you how it is suitable for you. The final decision is yours.
8. BOCHK Hong Kong Dollar Income Fund and Manulife Global Fund - Dragon Growth Fund - Class AA (HKD) under the Plan aim to distribute dividends on a regular basis. If dividends are payable by the underlying fund in respect to the units of an investment choice in your policy, Manulife will distribute the dividends to you. However, please note that:
• The corresponding underlying funds do not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution, and the amount or rate of dividends.
• Each of the underlying funds linked to these investment choices may at its discretion pay dividend out of capital or gross income while charging / paying all or part of its fees and expenses to / out of its capital (i.e. effectively pay dividend out of capital). Such payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, and may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share of the underlying funds after the distribution date, which may have a negative impact on the prices of the respective investment choices. Please also note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return.
• The dividend from these investment choices will reduce the policy value and therefore the death benefit payable may be reduced as compared to the investment choices with dividend reinvestment.
• It may also lead to termination of the policy if the policy value drops to zero.
• You should not choose these investment choices unless you understand them and they have been explained to you how they are suitable for you.
9. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plan for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
1. VIP+ and ManuGift (the "Plans") have not been authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong and are not available for policy applications. All information about the Plans in this website is only for reference by existing policyowners of the Plans. The Plans are insurance policies issued by Manulife (International) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). Your investments in the Plans are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife.
2. The investment choices available under the Plans can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk. Please read the offering document of the Plans for details.
3. Return on your investments is calculated or determined by Manulife with reference to the performance of the underlying assets.
4. The premiums you pay towards the insurance policy will become part of the assets of Manulife. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against Manulife only.
5. Early surrender of the policy, withdrawal from the policy value, premium suspension or failure to pay premium in full may result in a significant loss of principal. Poor performance of the underlying assets may further magnify the investment losses, while all fees and charges are still deductible.
6. The return of the investment choices is calculated with reference to pools of assets internally managed by Manulife on a discretionary basis not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong under the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
7. More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your life coverage, any optional supplementary benefits selected and the cost of insurance (COI):
a. Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the COI for the life coverage and any optional supplementary benefit you may choose.
b. The COI will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the investment choices selected.
c. The COI may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
d. If the value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the COI, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
e. You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the fees and charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
8. Investment involves risk. You should not invest solely based on the information in this website. Please read the offering document of the Plans for details including the risk factors, charges and features of the product.
This webpage is issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
VIP+ and ManuGift have not been
authorized by the Securities and
Futures Commission in Hong Kong and
are not available for policy
© 2002-2025 Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)