Exchange rates fluctuate daily. If you would like to pay premiums in HKD for foreign currency policies, we strongly encourage you to pay using Faster Payment System (FPS), Internet Banking, ATM or PPS to lock in the stated exchange rate for your payment made on same date in order to avoid potential shortfall/underpayment.
You may also want to set up Autopay for automatic direct debit from your bank account.
*Only for policies issued in Macau
PLEASE NOTE: Payment by cheque mailed to Manulife may result in surplus (overpayment) / shortfall (underpayment) due to changing exchange rates. Shortfall will require additional action to top up the amount and ensure your protection is continued. Our Company will base on the date when we received the payment to determine the final premium exchange rate. We may follow up with you if discrepancy is created by the market fluctuation in exchange rate.
Our Company reserves the right to change the above Exchange Rate without prior notice. For information about payment methods, please click here.