You can reallocate the investment of the total balance of the mandatory and/or voluntary portions based on your needs. The switch in % will be used to determine the target balance for each of the fund(s) selected. The fund switching will then be carried out based on the difference between the target balance and the current balance of each of the new designated fund(s) selected as per the processing date of the instruction.
For switching into the Default Investment Strategy (DIS), the redemption proceeds will be invested in the constituent fund(s) of the DIS at the allocation percentage(s) specified in the DIS de-risking table under section 3.3.2 of the MPF Scheme Brochure. For switching out from the DIS, the units to be redeemed from each of the constituent fund(s) of the DIS will be determined based on the percentage(s) of the accrued benefits to be switched out from the DIS.
Before rebalancing
Your current investment portfolio for Mandatory portion:
Your instruction
Switch out all funds from your Mandatory portion and switch into the funds below:
Fund A: 30% (i.e. Target balance is HKD 10,000 x 30% = HKD 3,000)
Fund B: 20% (i.e. Target balance is HKD 10,000 x 20% = HKD 2,000)
Fund C: 50% (i.e. Target balance is HKD 10,000 x 50% = HKD 5,000)
Details of rebalancing
Redeem 20% of Fund A and 30% of Fund B, and invest in Fund C:
After rebalancing
Please note that “Switch out all funds (One-time rebalancing)” instruction will not apply to your future monies.
You fund switching instruction
Switch out 50% of your holding units / balance in Fund B, and switch it into Fund C:
Details of the fund switch
Switch out 50% of balance in Fund B, and switch it into Fund C:
After the fund switch
Please note that “Switch out an individual fund (Fund-to-fund switch)” instruction will not apply to your future monies.