Security Alert:
Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife.

Please be cautious of fraudulent SMS messages. Manulife will only send SMS to Hong Kong mobile numbers using a Registered SMS Sender ID that begins with "#Manulife."
If you receive any suspicious SMS or links that appear to be from Manulife, please do not reply, click, or open any links within the message. Please click here to learn more.

Manulife and its agents do not conduct any unsolicited calls related to Manulife MPF products. Regarding MPF cold calls, please click here.

Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!

Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly. Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.

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Security Alert:
Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife.

Please be cautious of fraudulent SMS messages. Manulife will only send SMS to Hong Kong mobile numbers using a Registered SMS Sender ID that begins with "#Manulife."
If you receive any suspicious SMS or links that appear to be from Manulife, please do not reply, click, or open any links within the message. Please click here to learn more.

Manulife and its agents do not conduct any unsolicited calls related to Manulife MPF products. Regarding MPF cold calls, please click here.

Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!

Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly. Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.

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Consent for MPF e-Statement and e-Notice Service (“SERVICE”)

Please read through the following terms and conditions carefully before giving your express consent for the use of the SERVICE. The SERVICE is related to the mode of delivery of MPF notices and documents (“MPF Documents”) issued by Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited or Manulife (International) Limited (collectively “Manulife”).

In accordance with the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (“Ordinance”), MPF Guidelines on Giving of Notices or Documents by Electronic Means (“Guidelines”) and Manulife’s policy, these terms and conditions set out your rights and obligations in connection with your use of the SERVICE.

1. Giving consent and use of the SERVICE

1.1 In order to be eligible for the SERVICE, you must:

(i) be a scheme member of Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme (“Scheme”);
(ii) opt for and provide express consent for the use of the SERVICE; and
(iii) provide a valid email address with Manulife and keep such email address updated at all times as maintained with Manulife (“Registered Email Address”).

1.2 If you opt to use the SERVICE, it will apply to all your current and subsequently created MPF account(s) under the Scheme. The specified MPF Documents (please see 1.3 below) to be sent to you by Manulife for the purposes of the Ordinance will no longer be issued to you in paper format unless due to the circumstance that are described in paragraph 5.2. Such MPF Documents will be made available to you in electronic format by means of Manulife's Customer Website and mobile app, and you will be notified by email ("e-Alert") to your Registered Email Address each time when any specified MPF Documents that is applicable to you is available for viewing. Manulife will notify you in case other electronic means will be used for provision of the SERVICE.

1.3 The specified MPF Documents include:

(i) Notice of Participation
(ii) Annual Member Benefit Statement
(iii) Fund Fact Sheet
(iv) Transfer Confirmation
(v) Transfer Statement (applicable to transfer within the Scheme)
(vi) Notice to scheme members in respect of the changes made to the Scheme
(vii) Other MPF Documents as notified from time to time by Manulife

1.4 Upon receipt of your consent for the use of the SERVICE, Manulife will send a confirmation notice to you by e-Alert to your Registered Email Address within the period as required by the Guidelines.

2. On-going use of the SERVICE

2.1 In order to use the SERVICE, you should maintain a Registered Email Address with Manulife’s record at all times. Please inform Manulife as soon as practicable upon change of your Registered Email Address. You are also reminded to regularly check the email box in respect of your Registered Email Address to check for due receipt of e-Alerts issued by Manulife.

2.2 When you want to make changes to your Registered Email Address, please notify Manulife at least 14 days in advance in writing, via Manulife’s Customer Website and mobile app or other means as specified by Manulife from time to time.

2.3 Upon receipt of your request to change your Registered Email Address, Manulife will send a confirmation notice by e-Alert to your latest Registered Email Address within the period as required by the Guidelines.

3. Duration of consent for the use of the SERVICE

3.1 The consent for the use of the SERVICE shall remain valid until the following occurs, whichever is the earlier:

(i) you notify Manulife to opt out from the use of the SERVICE;
(ii) Manulife becomes aware that the specified MPF Documents or other relevant email notifications cannot be successfully delivered to your Registered Email Address, and Manulife cannot obtain your updated and valid email address within a period of 60 days;
(iii) Manulife has regrettably received relevant notice of the death or mental incapacitation; or
(iv) you cease to be a member of the Scheme (i.e. you no longer have any MPF account under the Scheme); or
(v) you cease to fulfill the eligibility requirements of the SERVICE that are described in paragraph 1.1 (iii).

4. Duration of availability of the specified MPF Documents on Manulife’s Customer Website and mobile app

4.1 Specified MPF Documents will be made available on Manulife’s Customer Website and mobile app for a minimum period as required by the Guidelines after Manulife has notified you of their availability by e-Alert to your Registered Email Address.

4.2 If you cease to be a member of the Scheme (i.e. you no longer have any MPF account under the Scheme), you can no longer access Manulife’s Customer Website and mobile app. If you want to obtain the specified MPF Documents, you can contact us for mailing them to your correspondence address at no additional cost.

4.3 You may retain the specified MPF Documents by printing or downloading them, or access such MPF Documents during their availability on Manulife’s Customer Website and mobile app.

5. Alternative method of giving the specified MPF Documents

5.1 If you fail to receive the specified MPF Documents or any part of it by the agreed means, Manulife will, upon receipt of your request, mail such MPF Documents to your correspondence address at no additional cost.

5.2 When Manulife becomes aware that the specified MPF Documents or other relevant email notifications cannot be successfully delivered to your Registered Email Address, Manulife will at its own initiative mail such MPF Documents to your correspondence address at no additional cost.

6. Opt-out from the use of the SERVICE

6.1 You may opt out from the use of the SERVICE at any time (i.e. revocation of the consent). Please notify Manulife of opting out from the use of the SERVICE at least 14 days in advance in writing, via Manulife’s Customer Website and mobile app or other means specified by Manulife from time to time.

6.2 The SERVICE is also deemed to be opted out (i.e. deemed revocation of the consent) by you under the situations that are described in paragraph 3.1 (ii), (iii), (iv) and/or (v) above.

6.3 Upon opt-out or deemed opt-out from the use of the SERVICE as mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, Manulife will send a confirmation notice to you, where appropriate:

(i) via SMS to your mobile phone number; or
(ii) by e-Alert to your Registered Email Address; or
(iii) by mail to your correspondence address,
within the period as required by the Guidelines. Accordingly, Manulife shall resume mailing of the specified MPF Documents in paper format to your correspondence address at no additional cost.

Manulife shall be entitled to revise and / or add to the terms and conditions at any time and from time to time. The revised and / or additional terms and / or conditions shall become effective when displayed, advertised or brought to your attention by any other means as Manulife thinks fit, and shall be binding on you if you continue to maintain or use the Service after the effective date thereof.


Should you have any enquiries about this matter, please call our Member Hotline on (852) 2108 1388.

Version date: April, 2023