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Please note that our Customer Service Hotlines and Customer Service Centres will close early at 12:30pm on Tuesday, January 28, for Lunar New Year's Eve.

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Important Notice
Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife.

Manulife and its agents do not conduct any unsolicited calls related to Manulife MPF products.

Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!

Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly.  Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.

Regarding MPF cold calls, please click here to learn more.

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Please note that our Customer Service Hotlines and Customer Service Centres will close early at 12:30pm on Tuesday, January 28, for Lunar New Year's Eve.

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Important Notice
Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife.

Manulife and its agents do not conduct any unsolicited calls related to Manulife MPF products.

Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and MPF account or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from our institution!

Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly.  Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps and hyperlinks embedded in instant electronic messages, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.

Regarding MPF cold calls, please click here to learn more.

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Manulife ManuCentury Savings Insurance Plan

How we got you covered

Guaranteed cash payment equal to 5% of the notional amount every year from the first policy anniversary until:

  • age 100 of the initial life insured, whether living or not; or
  • the guaranteed cash payments have been paid for 100 years 

Offer non-guaranteed terminal bonusto accelerate your potential return.

Recurring terminal bonus realization2,3 limit gives you more opportunity to capture the upside potential or even lets you self-create an extra stream of funds.

Premiums can be paid over 5, 8, 12 or 15 years. The premiums are fixed throughout the premium payment period.

The plan comes with an option to change the life insured4 so you can pass on your wealth. 

Our expert are here to help you!

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  • I have read and accepted Manulife's Terms of use and Personal Information Collection Statement including the use of my personal information provided above.

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    Dear {Salutation} {FirstName} {LastName}

    Your personal enquiry number: {ReferenceID}


    We will respond within two business days to forms submitted at or before 10:00am each business day. For example, if you submit this form at or before 10:00am on a Monday, we will respond by Tuesday. Forms submitted after 10:00am on a Monday will receive a response by Wednesday.

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    ManuCentury is an insurance product provided and underwritten by Manulife (International) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability). The above provides only general information on this product for your reference only. Please download the product leaflet now or ask your Insurance/Financial Advisorfor a copy which will give you more details about this product including the ‘Important Information’ showing the product risks.

    1. The terminal bonus is not guaranteed. We will review and adjust the terminal bonus at least once a month, but we may do so more often. Please see ‘The main risks affecting the non-guaranteed terminal bonus and the accumulation interest rates of guaranteed cash payments and realized terminal bonus’ paragraph under the ‘Important Information’ section in the product leaflet.
    2. There may be a delay in making payment when you cash in your policy or exercise the realization option, especially during periods when the market is experiencing significant rises and falls in value. The actual amount of the terminal bonus that you can get will only be determined after your request has been processed. Under certain circumstances, for example, if the request is not received by us before our prevailing cut-off time or is not in our prescribed written format, such amount can be lower or higher than the amount of the terminal bonus tentatively indicated to you at the time you submit the request. Please check with Manulife for the prevailing operational rules and the latest amount of the terminal bonus under your policy before exercising the realization option.
    3. You can exercise the realization option within 30 days from the Realization Anniversary (that is, the 15th policy anniversary or every policy anniversary thereafter) as long as the aggregate realization percentage in any 15 consecutive policy years does not exceed 50%. To exercise the realization option, you must submit a written application in a prescribed format required by us. Once submitted, the application for exercising such option cannot be withdrawn and no realized terminal bonus will be allowed to be reversed. Exercise of the realization option will reduce any subsequent future terminal bonus. 
    4. Starting from the first policy anniversary or 1 year after the policy is issued, whichever is later, you have an option to change the life insured to another person with whom you have insurable interest, without affecting your policy value and term of guaranteed cash payments, provided that:

      i)  the actual age of the new life insured is age 60 or below; or the actual age of the new life insured is not greater than that of the current life insured, and age 75 or below; and 

      ii) such application must be completed during the lifetime of both the current life insured and the new life insured.

      Acceptance of such application is subject to our approval at our sole and absolute discretion as well as our prevailing rules and guidelines. Once the change of life insured is effective, all supplementary benefits (if any) will be automatically terminated. The time period as described under incontestability provision shall restart from the effective date of the change.
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