Important to note (to employers and/or employees, whichever is applicable):
Group Deposit Administration Policy is a pooled retirement fund. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in any investment portfolios under Group Deposit Administration Policy. When you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of this material and as to whether a certain investment portfolio is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice.
Investment involves risks. You should understand that your investment is subject to market fluctuations and the value of your investment may fall as well as rise and, accordingly, the amount realized upon redemption may be less than your original investment made and you may suffer significant loss.
Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor of the Capital Guarantee Fund (HK$ &US$) (“CGF”). Your investment in the CGF is therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to the offering document for details of the credit risks and guarantee features.
Group Deposit Administration Policy is governed and construed according to the laws of Hong Kong.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not make your investment decision based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details (including risk factors, fees and charges) before you decide whether to invest in Group Deposit Administration Policy and make any investment choices under Group Deposit Administration Policy.
Group Deposit Administration Policy is closed for new employer(s) participating and is only available to new employees of existing employers.
Warning: Investment involves risks. Please refer to the offering document for details including risk factors, fees and charges of Group Deposit Administration Policy.